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26 posts tagged with "linkedin"

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· One min read

⚡Incident-Triggered (Ad hoc) Compliances: A Key Component of GRC ⚡ #buildinpublic |

At FlaggGRC, we're on a mission to streamline your Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) workflows. One challenge in GRC is monitoring compliances that may not be relevant daily but become crucial due to specific incidents. Our tool provides periodic oversight, making your processes dynamic, adaptive, and proactive. For example, if you're planning a big annual gala, our incident-triggered compliance module helps you quickly identify and address any requirements.

Simply log in, select your location, navigate to the ad hoc tab, and answer straightforward yes/no questions. This process activates relevant compliances in your calendar, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks. Whether dealing with multiple locations or complex statutes, FlaggGRC handles it all. Want to learn more or share feedback? We're here to help. Stay tuned for more updates! 🚀

Stay tuned to read and know more about our Tech-First GRC platform at FlaggGRC Ventures LLP

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· 2 min read

Risk Severity Dashboard | #buildinpublic | #flagggrc |

The risk severity dashboard is a pivotal tool in our compliance management arsenal, offering invaluable insights into the severity of consequences associated with non-compliance. And thereby enabling you to prioritize areas of immediate concerns. Here's why it's essential:

  1. Clear Categorization of Risks: By categorizing risks into trifle, moderate, high, and severe based on the severity of consequences outlined in regulatory laws, the dashboard provides a crystal-clear understanding of the potential ramifications of non-compliance. This categorization ensures that you can prioritize our efforts and resources effectively.
  2. Visual Representation of Risk Distribution: With the doughnut chart displaying the distribution of risk severities, stakeholders can quickly grasp the severity landscape at a glance. This high-level overview empowers decision-makers to identify areas of concern and allocate resources accordingly, ensuring a proactive approach to risk management.
  3. Insights from Completeness and Timeliness Perspectives: The bar graphs depicting risk severity from both completeness and timeliness perspectives offer comprehensive insights into compliance performance. By understanding not only the severity of risks but also how well we are meeting compliance deadlines, you can identify areas for improvement and take proactive measures to address them.
  4. Drill-Down Capability for Targeted Analysis: The dashboard's drill-down capability allows stakeholders to focus on specific risk severity categories with a simple click. This feature enables targeted analysis, empowering you to delve deeper into areas of concern and take swift, targeted actions to mitigate compliance risks effectively.
  5. Streamlined Decision-Making and Action Planning: By combining completeness and timeliness perspectives with clear visualizations and drill-down capabilities, the risk severity dashboard streamlines decision-making and action planning. It equips you with the insights needed to prioritize compliance efforts, allocate resources strategically, and ensure proactive risk management across the organization.

In a regulatory landscape where non-compliance can have far-reaching consequences, the risk severity dashboard is another key asset. It empowers you to navigate compliance challenges with confidence, proactively identify and mitigate risks, and stay on top of your compliance game.

Stay tuned to read and know more about our Tech-First GRC platform at FlaggGRC Ventures LLP

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· 2 min read

Timeliness Dashboard | #buildinpublic | #flagggrc |

The timeliness dashboard offers a vital enhancement to the completeness dashboard, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of compliance statuses. While completeness gives an overview of whether tasks are reported, it's the timeliness dashboard that delves deeper into the crucial aspect of when these tasks are completed.

Imagine having a clear visualization of your compliance landscape, where each compliance item is not just marked as "done," but meticulously categorized based on its adherence to timelines. With the timeliness dashboard, you're not just ticking off boxes; you're ensuring that every compliance task is executed with precision and punctuality.

Consider the implications: compliances completed on time demonstrate operational efficiency and adherence to regulations, instilling trust and confidence in stakeholders. On the flip side, past due compliances or those approved late could signal operational bottlenecks or potential compliance risks.

What sets this dashboard apart is its user-centric design. No more digging through dropdown menus or complex filters. With a simple click, you can instantly filter compliance items based on your preferences, allowing for swift decision-making and targeted action.

Moreover, the ability to strike off multiple pies provides unparalleled flexibility, enabling you to focus precisely on the areas that require immediate attention. It's a streamlined approach to compliance management, empowering you to stay ahead of deadlines and proactively address any issues that may arise.

In a world where regulatory compliance is paramount, the timeliness dashboard isn't just another tool—it's a strategic asset. It's your ally in navigating the intricate landscape of compliance, ensuring that your organization operates smoothly, efficiently, and in full compliance with regulatory requirements. So, whether you're a compliance officer, a manager, or an executive, the timeliness dashboard is your window into a world of proactive compliance management.

Stay tuned to read and know more about our Tech-First GRC platform at FlaggGRC Ventures LLP

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· 2 min read

Completeness Dashboard | hashtag#buildinpublic

The completeness dashboard is the most basic dashboard of FlaggGRC. Each compliance passes through three stages of completeness. Initially, when no reporting has been done, the compliance is in the not started stage. When the reporter does some reporting, it goes into the in-progress stage. And when the approver of the compliance approves it, it enters the Completed stage. Look at this completeness doughnut. Compliances represented by the gray color have not started yet. The yellow-colored compliances are in progress. And those in the green color are completed compliances. Scroll down and you will see the completeness status below every compliance. Filtering by completeness status is easy! Just click on the pie you want to filter! The compliance list below will be instantly filtered based on your selection. No need to type anything, no need to choose through dropdowns. Whatever you'd need to filter, is right there in front of you. Just click it and filter. So, this was a quick glimpse into the completeness dashboard. Stay tuned, because we'll be publishing more dashboard demos soon.

Stay tuned to read and know more about our Tech-First GRC platform at FlaggGRC Ventures LLP

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